Accueil » Regions » Nord-du-Québec



Northern Quebec’s territory includes the nine Cree communities living in Quebec. The Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay (CBHSSJB) provides health care to these populations. The communities served are Whapmagoostui, Chisasibi, Waskaganish, Eastmain, Waskawanipi, Bougoumou and Mistissini. The Cree population is about 15,000 divided in nine communities. All communities are accessible by car and plane except for Whapmagoostui which is accessible by plane only.

The Cree Board seeks for professionals to work in the community’s dental clinics. This is a great opportunity to showcase your creativity and autonomy (Conseil Cri de la santé et des services sociaux).

Distribution of dental professionals

Dentists on the territory of Jamésie (Baie-James) are principally located in the Cree communities (Wemindji, Mistissini, Eastmain, Chisasibi, Waswanipi and Oujé-Bougoumou). Other dentists are located in northern villages such as Puvirnituq, Kuujjuaq, Kuujjuarapik and Fermont.

Vast Northern territories and several little northern villages such as Umiujaq, Quaqtaq and Ivujivik have no dental professionals. However, the Nord-du-Québec has a ratio of about 2-4 dentists per 5000 residents.