Elham Emami, Yves Couturier, Felix Girard, Jill Torrie
J Can Dent Assoc 2016;82:g30
Time: 8:00am Pacific, 9:00am Mountain, 10:00am Central, 11:00am Eastern
Duration: approximately 90 minutes
Elham Emami : DDS, MSc, PhD, Professeure agrégée, Faculté de médecine dentaire et École de santé publique, Université de Montréal
Chantal Galarneau : DMD, MSc, PhD, Professeure associée, Faculté de médecine dentaire, Université de Montréal; Dentiste conseil, Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec
Cet article provient intégralement du blogue http://hinnovic.org
Teething practically follow us our whole lives. We are born with a tooth capital of which we must take care and the state of our teeth affect us directly. Yet we are not all equal and all when it comes to care for our teeth. There are of course genetic factors, but the knowledge and dentistry have made sufficient progress for a hundred years to enable us to keep teeth healthy, both through prevention than through surgery .Just read our post about the history of dentistry to be convinced that fear of the dentist and pain should not be a hindrance to a visit to dental professionals.
Yet in Canada, there are a significant part of the population which is struggling to gain access to basic dental care, either because these people live in remote areas or because they can not pay the required fees, even for basic interventions such as scaling, much less to treat caries. As mentioned in the note , Canada is a bad student on the matter from the public sector per capita spending on dental care. “The hyperprivatisation” of dental care and the high cost pound the nail, creating a situation of “inverse care law”.
Through two video interviews and an audio interview, we wanted to give the floor to three academics in the issues of inequality of access to dental care.
Welcome to a folder that seeks to move the lines and down prejudices, while encouraging dental professionals to rethink their relationships with patients, whether rich or poor.
This will be the subject of RSBO next Café scientifique, on Friday, October 28, 2016. Starting at Noon, researchers and health professionals will gather to shed light on this question, which has recently sparked many debates in the Medias.
Dr. Elham Emami
Université de Montréal
Dr. Amir Azarpazhooh
University of Toronto
Dr. John O’Keefe
Canadian Dental Association
Dr. Robert Durand
Université de Montréal
Friday, October 28, 2016
From Noon to 1:00
At the McCord Museum
690, Sherbrooke W. Street
Montreal, QC, H3A 1E9
Free admission
Confirm your presence at
[email protected]
Sandwiches and drinks
from 11 : 30 AM
Interesting recording of a DataSpeak webinar. Topics addressed include trends in rural children’s health, rural child mortality, and challenges facing American Indian children.
For full link to the recording click here.
How do Canadian dental students perceive setting up a practice in rural areas?
An interesting article and video by CDA Oasis discussion can be found here.
Avant les rues (Before the streets) is a moving film directed in native language on a Québec reservation and filmed in Manawan, Québec. It reveals the social and health challenges but also the meaning behind many traditional practices (including land-based healing approaches). The story features all non-professional actors acting tough realities affecting their friends and families.
For more information about this film click here.