Welcome to Rural Dentistry!

The Rural Dentistry website is designed to serve as a knowledge transfer tool, providing information for oral health professionals, students, stakeholders and the general public on issues and challenges related to the oral health of rural and remote communities in Quebec.

Our aim is to achieve the United Nations Millennium Declaration Goal:

All people, everywhere, shall have access to a skilled, motivated and facilitated health worker within a robust health system.”


Our specific objectives are as follows:

  1. Draw attention on the current situation of oral health and access to oral health care in rural and remote Quebec.
  2. Highlight the increasing demand of dental workforce in these areas.
  3.  Encourage oral health service providers to practice in Quebec’s rural and remote regions.
  4. Motivate policy makers to enhances social infrastructure and rural and remote development
  5. Support rural and remote communities  to achieve better oral health, general health and quality of life.